Cafeterias for Rent
in Houston
Cafeterias nearby
UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Mission Bend Elementary School
16200 Beechnut, Houston, TX 77083
A.B Freeman Elementary School
2323 Theta St., Houston, TX 77034
Liberty High School
5407 Gulfton St #219, Houston, TX 77081
Morris Middle School
10415 Fuqua., Houston, TX 77089
More cafeterias
Carter Lomax Middle School
1519 Genoa Red Bluff., Houston, TX 77504
Laura Bush Elementary School
9100 Blackhawk Blvd., Houston, TX 77075
Career & Technical High School
1348 Genoa-Red Bluff., Houston, TX 77034
Moore Elementary School
8880 Southbluff., Houston, TX 77089
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