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Facilitron Team

With experience in a variety of technology startups, the Facilitron leadership team makes the difference in our customer success.

Facilitron is fortunate to have a good number of dedicated employees who’ve been with us from the beginning. Though we don’t have enough web pages to feature them all, we wouldn’t be who we are without them. From our Account Managers who help onboard school districts, to our Customer Service team that handles all problems big and small, our dedication to taking care of our customers is paramount and the core of who makes up the Facilitron family.

Jeff Benjamin
Chief Executive Officer
Jeff’s three children, along with their many activities and busy school schedules, inspired him to build Facilitron to help schools better manage their facilities and operations. Prior to Facilitron, Jeff held various senior and executive roles with technology companies including Brand Affinity Technologies, Printroom, Inc., CBS Interactive, and Gannett. Jeff holds an MBA from the University of Oregon.
Mike Kapul
Prior to Facilitron, Mike was an early pioneer in the field of digital photography and a co-founder of Printroom, Inc. - an online platform specializing in fan photography, which was subsequently acquired by Brand Affinity Technologies. Mike holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and MBA from University of Texas at Dallas.
Joanne Hu
Chief Technology Officer
Prior to Facilitron, Joanne cofounded Printroom, Inc. where she architected and drove development of all software. Joanne holds Masters degree in Computer Engineering from USC and Bachelor degree in Computer Science from Tatung University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Trent Allen
Chief Marketing Officer
A graduate of the University of Georgia, Trent has an extensive history of technology-driven brand engagement with a wide range of sports, entertainment and corporate partners. His pioneering in the field of sports audience engagement using photography interacted with more than 10 million fans annually through ongoing partnerships with MLB, NHL, NBA, and the NCAA.
Jared Wagman
Director of Implementation
A native of Atlanta, Jared Wagman is the Director of Implementation and Product Development at Facilitron. Having led the implementation and launch of Facilitron’s software and services at over 4000 schools across the country, Jared has extensive experience understanding the operational challenges school districts face when using software systems to manage maintenance tasks, assets and facility use.