The City of Boise began to grow at the end of Warm Springs Avenue and into the foothills in the early 1950's after the Idaho State Penitentiary was moved south of Gowen field. Adams Elementary was constructed in 1955 on the site of the old White City Amusement Park and Natatorium. The old Natatorium once hosted dances, parties, and even inaugurations. The original Natatorium site now houses a swimming pool operated by Boise City's Parks and Recreation Department. The pool features a hydrotube which is popular with summer swimmers.
Adams began as a neighborhood elementary school with grades 1 through 4 only. A fifth grade was added in 1958 and a sixth grade in 1960. Before this time these grades attended Roosevelt Elementary. A small room behind the sixth grade classroom was the kitchen. With later additions, this room became the library. A new addition, added in 1964, added the multipurpose room and a new kitchen.
Like so many other city schools, Adams population grew and space became a problem in the 1970's and 1980's. At that time relocatable classrooms were added to house several special programs.
As growth in Boise's east end continued, Adams became severely overcrowded. In 1991, state lottery monies were used to expand the school and to replace its flat roof with a new, hipped version.